ADVENDURE is the leading web portal in Greece about Mountain Running, Adventure, Endurance and other Mountain Sports
Αγώνας | Επίδοση | Ημ/νία | Μήκος | Υ.Δ. | Πόντοι | Γ.Κ. | Κ.Φ. |
Kissavos Race 10K | 2.26.12 | 01/04/2022 | 10.0 | 500 | 15,0 | 173 / 190 | 48 / 57 |
Λέβαδος 11K | 2.15.55 | 19/01/2020 | 11.0 | 550 | 16,5 | 306 / 330 | 72 / 85 |
Βερδικούσια 5Κ | 0.39.14 | 09/06/2019 | 5.0 | 300 | 8,0 | 38 / 75 | 4 / 17 |
Kissavos Race 10K | 1.33.12 | 21/04/2019 | 10.0 | 490 | 14,9 | 96 / 199 | 16 / 63 |
Plastiras Lake Trail Race 10K | 1.10.35 | 14/04/2019 | 10.0 | 300 | 13,0 | 177 / 275 | 36 / 99 |
Gentiki Trail Race 5K | 0.49.44 | 17/02/2019 | 5.0 | 250 | 7,5 | 89 / 124 | 18 / 39 |