ADVENDURE is the leading web portal in Greece about Mountain Running, Adventure, Endurance and other Mountain Sports
Αγώνας | Επίδοση | Ημ/νία | Μήκος | Υ.Δ. | Πόντοι | Γ.Κ. | Κ.Φ. |
Ursa Trail 40K | 5.59.55 | 28/05/2022 | 40.0 | 2.700 | 67,0 | 54 / 307 | 51 / 267 |
Plastiras Lake Trail Race 20K | 2.07.05 | 14/04/2019 | 20.0 | 700 | 27,0 | 25 / 179 | 25 / 153 |
The North Face Zagori MR 80K - TeRA | 15.39.20 | 21/07/2018 | 80.0 | 5.380 | 133,8 | 74 / 200 | 69 / 188 |
FOM Trail | 1.18.30 | 08/07/2018 | 13.0 | 690 | 19,9 | 9 / 120 | 9 / 92 |
Kissavos Marathon Race | 5.13.17 | 29/04/2018 | 42.0 | 2.400 | 66,0 | 9 / 54 | 9 / 51 |
Faethon Olympus Marathon | 9.06.32 | 09/07/2017 | 44.0 | 3.600 | 80,0 | 71 / 223 | 66 / 202 |
Kissavos Marathon Race | 6.08.42 | 21/05/2017 | 43.0 | 2.400 | 67,0 | 5 / 22 | 5 / 20 |
Gentiki Trail Race | 2.26.38 | 19/02/2017 | 17.0 | 1.270 | 29,7 | 25 / 165 | 25 / 149 |