ADVENDURE is the leading web portal in Greece about Mountain Running, Adventure, Endurance and other Mountain Sports
Αγώνας | Επίδοση | Ημ/νία | Μήκος | Υ.Δ. | Πόντοι | Γ.Κ. | Κ.Φ. |
Artemisio Trail 10K | 2.29.49 | 01/12/2019 | 10.0 | 900 | 19,0 | 106 / 157 | 75 / 105 |
Meteora Trail Run 6K | 1.39.25 | 27/10/2019 | 10.0 | 700 | 17,0 | 113 / 187 | 101 / 140 |
Ηράκλειος Άθλος 10K | 1.51.34 | 13/10/2019 | 9.0 | 780 | 16,8 | 44 / 81 | 41 / 57 |
ΔΙΒΡΙΣ The Hard Trail 13K | 3.05.18 | 22/09/2019 | 13.0 | 890 | 21,9 | 45 / 53 | 38 / 40 |
Ασκληπιείο 9Κ | 1.35.29 | 09/06/2019 | 9.0 | 500 | 14,0 | 43 / 62 | 34 / 43 |
Tihio Race 10K | 1.25.23 | 12/05/2019 | 9.0 | 250 | 11,5 | 65 / 135 | 53 / 88 |
Μονοπάτι Παρνασσού 6K | 0.55.45 | 21/04/2019 | 6.0 | 380 | 9,8 | 15 / 55 | 13 / 32 |
Hydras Trail Event 13K | 2.08.00 | 07/04/2019 | 13.0 | 600 | 19,0 | 131 / 182 | 94 / 125 |
Taygetos Fun | 0.39.19 | 24/03/2019 | 5.0 | 200 | 7,0 | 67 / 171 | 55 / 84 |
Φανερωμένη Χιλιομοδίου 6Κ | 0.52.10 | 24/02/2019 | 6.0 | 200 | 8,0 | 41 / 56 | 33 / 40 |